Tales of the Talisman, Volume 5, Issue 4
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In the spring issue of Tales of the Talisman, Tyree Campbell rocks our
world with a band whose lead guitarist can teleport from the stage to other
places using her guitar -- a great way to get away from annoying groupies!
John Bruni takes us to the office of Martin Ogelsby who has a portal to a new
world in the bottom of his desk drawer -- perfect for a day off.
G.O. Clark shows us souvenirs from our favorite B-movies. They are little
action figures that have a way of bringing the movies home to us -- unfortunately
they don’t do it by going out and renting videos. Billy Wong takes us on a
scavenger hunt in ancient times. However, these things are more than a little
challenging when a demon has one of the items you’re looking for. Join us as we
escape the mundane in the spring issue of Tales of the Talisman.
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and larger cover image